Well I'll Go To The Foot Of Our Stairs...

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Keith W, Jul 24, 2008.

  1. Keith W

    Keith W Guest

    No posts for days and then a bloody Spam pops up. Would you Adam and Eve
    Keith W, Jul 24, 2008
  2. Keith W

    Bystander Guest

    That's because we are all still trying to work out how Chris is getting his
    fantastic fuel consumption ;-)

    Bystander, Jul 24, 2008
  3. Keith W

    GGJ Guest

    I can get near to the MPG but what I have to do is drive very light footed
    to where I am going and then ring up the AA and get them to tow me back
    home, that doubles my MPG :eek:)
    only joking Chris .

    GGJ, Jul 25, 2008
  4. Keith W

    Bystander Guest

    My mate can do better than that, he lives at the top of a big hill and free
    wheels into town then gets the A.A. to tow him home, so he doesn't use any
    fuel at all.
    Still only joking Chris.

    Bystander, Jul 25, 2008
  5. Keith W

    Keith W Guest

    Well I still reckon he's fitted pedals and a chain to it and that's how he
    got the hernia (pedalling, not fitting) ;o)
    Keith W, Jul 25, 2008
  6. Keith W

    Chris Guest

    Its because i look after my car and service it well.now i got to try
    and look after myself,no more peddalling for me now have to use the
    engine power shit the fuel is going to go down now ahahahaha
    this has made my week all the replys and had a good laugh over it
    all.at least we all can have a laugh.over any matter.
    thanks again from chris.(on the mend)
    Chris, Jul 25, 2008
  7. Keith W

    GGJ Guest

    Don't laugh to hard Chris or you will pull something.
    I know when I had mine done a few years back I was really worried about

    GGJ, Jul 25, 2008
  8. Keith W

    Chris Guest

    Its on the mend well the right side is better than the left side,got
    told it could take upto 1 year before i can lift any
    weight(gear-boxes)so at the mo just doing small jobs so boring. so was
    yours a double? or single?.
    Chris, Jul 25, 2008
  9. Keith W

    G.T Guest

    True you have to be very careful with a hernia.
    I got one for 15 years now, and I don't suffer 'til then.

    What makes me suffer is -excepted my back, which has never been good- my
    elbow, for which I've been having 2 stitches after fallen off my moped. The
    wrong idea was to fall on a gravel plate :-/
    For this elbow, I'll remember the month of August, 1995 'til I die ;-)

    G.T, Jul 25, 2008
  10. Keith W

    Chris Guest

    Your Hernia cant be very big or you would of had it done by now then?
    dont try those trusses as they dont work i went to egypt with mine
    last year and it was a pain each time i wanted to go for a swim,taking
    it on and off,also got told by the hos that the hernia can jump over
    the ball at the end of the truss and thats when your in trouble,we
    should not be on here talking about this as this is for peugeot help
    not about hernias.
    Chris, Jul 25, 2008
  11. Keith W

    Bystander Guest

    Chris. With the greatest of respect, it is you talking about your hernia
    nobody else. However you have a good sense of humour and can take a joke, I
    hope you recover soon.

    Bystander, Jul 25, 2008
  12. Keith W

    Keith W Guest

    Well. if you're offering Chris. Mine's a double, single malt of course.
    Keith W, Jul 26, 2008
  13. Keith W

    Keith W Guest

    Second time recently that I have been reminded of a retirement speech I
    heard. Here is an extract:

    "I want to thank you all for your support. I'll think of you whenever I
    wear it."
    Keith W, Jul 26, 2008
  14. Keith W

    Chris Guest

    Thanks, i am on the mend.
    Chris, Jul 26, 2008
  15. Keith W

    Chris Guest

    So next time your down the pub get your self a double and think of me
    lol lol
    Chris, Jul 26, 2008
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