Peugeot 306 red warning light- does anyone know what it is?

Discussion in 'Peugeot 306' started by DRE2076, Jan 28, 2005.

  1. DRE2076

    DRE2076 Guest

    does anyone know what a red warning light with a few wavey lines at the
    bottom with a line on top with a two sided triangle in the middle? its not
    in the manual and it on the right hand side of the display.

    looks a little like this:
    DRE2076, Jan 28, 2005
  2. DRE2076

    Nik&Andy Guest

    It's coolant system warning light - means low on coolant - these can be a
    little over sensitive...

    Nik&Andy, Jan 28, 2005
  3. DRE2076

    DanTXD Guest

    Its the low coolant light, as it is in the manual :)
    DanTXD, Jan 30, 2005
  4. DRE2076

    Jim Mason Guest

    It may be in your manual but it isn't in mine or many other peoples which
    is why the question comes up on a regular basis.

    Jim Mason, Jan 31, 2005
  5. DRE2076

    Dave English Guest

    In message
    Two sided triangles are very prone to fail :-^)
    Sounds like the coolant level warning light. Make sure that you are not
    losing coolant.


    is helpfull for warning light symbols, under the "LIST OF SYMBOLS DRIVER
    INFORMATION" section.

    Dave English, Jan 31, 2005
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