New article: 306 Cabriolet and Roadster model history

Discussion in 'Peugeot 306' started by Nick, May 5, 2004.

  1. Nick

    Nick Guest

    Hi all,

    After 3 months of sourcing all necessary information, compiling and
    re-creating, the Peugeot Cabriolet Owners Club's largest article to
    date has been uploaded - and it's free for all to see!

    The complete, unabridged, unparalleled model and production history of
    the UK-specification 306 Cabriolet and Roadster contains the following
    comprehensive sections:

    - Introduction
    - Dimensions and weights
    - Performance and fuel consumption
    - Phase 1
    - Phase 2
    - Phase 3
    - UK model types and special editions
    - Colour and trim options
    - Optional extras
    - New prices
    - Number produced
    - Sources of information

    Click here to view:

    Hope you find it of (some) interest!

    (PCOC Webmaster)
    Nick, May 5, 2004
  2. Nick

    MaxCobMara Guest

    Nick wrote:
    That was wonderful. enjoyed it in My there are only about 6 cabrios and
    was a fan since it first appeared in autocar mag
    now only if one of those six would sell me one!
    MaxCobMara, May 12, 2004
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