New 306 Cabriolet and Roadster articles

Discussion in 'Peugeot 306' started by Nick, Jan 5, 2004.

  1. Nick

    Nick Guest

    Hi All,

    This may be of interest to those looking to buy or already own a
    Peugeot 306 Cabriolet or Roadster. I have written-up two comprehensive
    articles based on the Roadster I own.

    First one is an "Owners's review" article which has categories such as
    Performance, Comfort, Cost of ownership, etc. and hopefully gives an
    overall unbiased view. Direct link:

    The second article is written for potential owners of these cars.
    Again, from my own personal experiences, it details things to look out
    for when viewing a 306 Cabriolet or Roadster. Direct link:

    The Peugeot Cabriolet Owners Club website was launched properly at the
    beginning of 2004 for all roofless Peugeot owners. PCOC has collected
    links and material on a number of professional and owner articles
    which may be accessed through this general articles page:

    Finally, if anybody out there with a Peugeot Cabriolet or CC from a
    304 Cabriolet right up to the 307CC feels they can provide a review of
    their car or even a buyer's guide, the Club would love to publish it
    on their site:

    All the best,

    Nick, Jan 5, 2004
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