406, 1.8 16V, SAGEM SL96, strange problem

Discussion in 'Peugeot 406' started by pipschips123, Mar 8, 2006.

  1. pipschips123

    pipschips123 Guest

    I 've read all topic about Peugeot 406, and I didn't find answer on my
    So , I have got 406, 1998, 1.8 16v, engine LFX XU7JP4, 75000KM.

    My problem:
    I am starting driving normaly, and then when change a gear from first
    to second my car hestitate and loosing a power for about 1-2 sec, and
    after that going normal, and them the same beatween 2'st and 3'th gear
    but smaller hestitate (engine rocks). I' ve read a lot of forum and
    didn't find people with the same problem. But I've met a guy with the
    same problem and I try his car, and everything was the same like in my
    car..... So I can't understand whay nobody is writting about this
    problem when it is often for this model.

    There is no cod detect on my board, mechanical diagnostic tool didn't
    find any mistakes. Thay say that my clutch is OK.......

    Do you have this problem?
    Please help me!!!!!!!!!!!
    pipschips123, Mar 8, 2006
  2. pipschips123

    Mindwipe Guest

    Mindwipe, Mar 8, 2006
  3. My problem:
    I have the same problem with mine. When I change gear from 1st to 2nd in a
    hill, I almost strangle the engine. I think all 1.8 powered 406's have this
    problem. Perhaps the enginge is to weak for the car?

    Lars Ola Monsen (1999 1,8 petrol 406)
    Lars Ola Monsen, Mar 8, 2006
  4. pipschips123

    pipschips123 Guest

    Hy Lars
    It is not weak. The same problem is with 1.8 and 2.0 engine. 2.0 have
    130-140 HP and if that isn't enough I do not what is.
    Did you try fix anything?
    pipschips123, Mar 8, 2006
  5. Hy Lars
    I don't think there is anything to fix. The throttle response is sluggish
    below 1500 RPM. I have a colleague with same car. He is also complaining
    about almost nonexisting throttle response on low RPM.

    Lars Ola
    Lars Ola Monsen, Mar 9, 2006
  6. pipschips123

    Rudy Guest

    If you think this problem is as common as you suggest, then certainly a
    Peugeot workshop will know about it and will be able to clear the
    problem for you.
    Rudy, Mar 9, 2006
  7. pipschips123

    pipschips123 Guest

    OK, it can be, but I still must go on with explore the faulty.
    Are you first owner of your car?
    If you are, than you can tell me is your car have this behavier at the
    first day whan he came out from factory?
    pipschips123, Mar 10, 2006
  8. pipschips123

    Mindwipe Guest

    already answered once
    read it!!
    Mindwipe, Mar 11, 2006
  9. pipschips123

    pipschips123 Guest

    Sorry, Mindwipe, but I can not find your answer......
    Can you post one more time please........
    pipschips123, Mar 13, 2006
  10. pipschips123

    pipschips123 Guest

    What you meen by ''standard''?????????
    pipschips123, Mar 13, 2006
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