G'day, I have a 2000 manual 1.6l petrol 206XT (very happy with it, trouble free 120,000 km, apart from a dent in the front from a couple of galahs - Aussie cockatoo type bird, not a politician). A couple of weeks ago I got very close to an empty tank and filled up with 52 litres (warning light on for about 40 km). The tank capacity is supposed to be 50 litres so I'm a bit suspicious about the accuracy of the bowser. Anyone know what the real capacity of the tank is? Cheers, Julian -- Julian Mattay, email: julian x mattay z csiro x au (where x -> dot, z -> at) Local IT Bloke CSIRO, Forestry and Forest Products Ph: +61 8 8721 8118 Mt Gambier, South Australia, Australia Fax: +61 8 8723 9058
Hi, It should be 50 litres. I guess it's 44l "normal tank" and 6l "reserve". I don't know if the fuel gauge is more accurate than on 205s, but my '93 205 tends to flash when there are 12l into the tank.
Thanks G.T. I've emailed the Aust distributors but haven't had a response yet. If I find out anything of interest I'll post it. Cheers, Julian -- Julian Mattay, email: julian x mattay z csiro x au (where x -> dot, z -> at) Local IT Bloke CSIRO, Forestry and Forest Products Ph: +61 8 8721 8118 Mt Gambier, South Australia, Australia Fax: +61 8 8723 9058
Hi, Should be written into the handbook, as it was for my 205. The 206's manual even explains how to fill the tank, so...