205 rear drum - won't budge!!

Discussion in 'Peugeot 205' started by Z, May 30, 2005.

  1. Z

    Z Guest

    any one idea's on how to get rear drum off, got n/s off ok, but o/s
    won't budge, heard some trick about sticking a scre-driver through one
    of the 4 nut-holes, but can't figure what u need to do? shed any light
    Z, May 30, 2005
  2. Z

    Carl Gibbs Guest

    I heard that trick too, but I could never get it to work. Have you tried
    levering it off with the wheel still on? That was always a good way to get
    them off. If that didnt work I used to use a hub puller, which usually just
    pulled the shoes out with it, breaking the retaining clips, so make sure you
    have spare ones if you try it!
    Carl Gibbs, May 30, 2005
  3. Z

    anon Guest

    you need a small torch to see through the bolt hole in the drum.
    rotate the drum until the hole is near the top and look for the auto
    adjuster toothed wheel, since you have the opposite drum off already you
    should have an idea where its located.
    use a smallish flat screwdriver to turn the adjuster wheel and free off the
    anon, May 31, 2005
  4. Z

    Carl Gibbs Guest

    All sounds very easy, but I could never get it to work. But then again the
    delicate method never did work for me. Brute force and ignorance all the
    way :)
    Carl Gibbs, May 31, 2005
  5. Z

    Malc Guest

    Absolutely. The bigger the hammer, the better in my book.
    Malc, May 31, 2005
  6. Z

    Joe Bloggs Guest

    Will probably have mentioned by other wiser folk, but....

    1. make sure handbrake is off (doh!, but you never know)
    2. remove brake fluid resovoir cap to allow fluid to flow back in from
    3. apply large hammer vigorously to sides of brake drum (and top and bottom
    if you're getting in the swing of it) to force shoes back up against pistons
    4. attempt removal of drum
    5. repeat 3 and 4 until successful!

    Joe Bloggs, May 31, 2005
  7. Ah yes. If all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a

    Julian The Helpful

    Julian Mattay, email: julian x mattay z csiro x au
    (where x -> dot, z -> at)
    Local IT Bloke
    CSIRO, Forestry and Forest Products Ph: +61 8 8721 8118
    Mt Gambier, South Australia, Australia Fax: +61 8 8723 9058
    Julian Mattay, Jun 1, 2005
  8. Z

    Mark Rae Guest

    1a. Make sure the handbrake is really off.

    If the handbrake has been badly adjusted in the past, it
    might not be completely releasing. If the cable is not
    slack, undo the adjuster until it is.

    Mark Rae, Jun 1, 2005
  9. Z

    anon Guest

    its not difficult using a screwdriver to release the tensioner, just takes a
    little practice and patience, it is the correct way to do the job, hammmers
    will only break the clips and probably damage the shoes.
    a slide hammer should only be used when the shoes have been released and the
    bearing is a little tight.
    if you have more than say 5 clicks on the handbrake then i would assume this
    is not affecting the removal of the drum as long as it is fully off.
    anon, Jun 1, 2005
  10. Z

    Z Guest

    Z, Jun 1, 2005
  11. Z

    Z Guest

    he guys, amny thanks for all the help on this one, i've managed to get
    the hub off by using the wheel and large boots (kicking) method,
    finally off, broke the barke shoe in doing so, but i'm guesing it must
    have been coming part anyway and causing the jam.

    Thanks again, now onto the next thing (rust ahhhhh)

    Z, Jun 3, 2005
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