205 - corroded brake pipes

Discussion in 'Peugeot 205' started by Paul S, Dec 26, 2005.

  1. Paul S

    Paul S Guest

    I'm renewing the rear brake pipes (only a small section) on my Peugeot 205.

    After copious sprays of Plusgas yesterday and this morning, I managed to
    loosen the union to the flexible pipe and the nut on the backplate for the
    near-side, but the off-side is a problem.

    I've loosened the union to the flexible pipe, but the nut on the backplate
    has been rounded off by someone before me. There's no chance of getting
    any grip on it at all, even with a proper 11mm brake spanner. I was
    thinking of filing all five sides down, until the 10mm brake spanner fits,
    but I can't even find a flat side to start on.

    The bleed nipple on the off-side snapped off, despite plenty of Plusgas

    Any suggestions ? Should I just fit the near side pipe and get a garage to
    do the off side ?

    Maybe I should see if I can undo the wheel cylinder nuts, then pull the
    wheel cylinder and brake pipe through the backplate hole. I could then go
    to a local garage, maybe, and ask if they can undo it (or maybe my local
    motor factor could do it, as I'd be buying the new pipes from them.
    Paul S, Dec 26, 2005
  2. Paul S

    G Cadman Guest

    Pulling it through is one way as you could snip the pipe off and work on it
    in a vice. The worst that could happen is that you would need a new slave
    Alternatively you could try heating it up to loosen it.

    G Cadman, Dec 26, 2005
  3. Paul S

    Chris Guest

    Sorry to say i think you will be better of fitting new wheel cyl and
    replacing all the pipes that have had it,good luck from chris.Addlestone
    Chris, Dec 26, 2005
  4. Paul S

    Paul S Guest

    Thanks for your advice.

    for all your advice on my Peugeot 205 in the last few days.

    The car passed its MOT retest this afternoon.

    One ot two gripes with the Haynes manual, to help anyone else
    contemplating work on the 205;

    1. Handbrake adjustment

    The latest manual suggests placing the handbrake lever on the seventh
    notch before turning the adjustment locknut, whilst my older manual for
    1983 to 1989 cars suggests the fifth notch. I'd suggest using the latter
    (fifth notch) as the former leaves the handbrake too high up when adjusted.

    2. Rear brake shoes removal (sec 5 in manual)

    Para 6
    There's a strut that holds the shoes together at the top. The manual says
    "release the strut from the top of the shoes (Bendix type only)" but omits
    to point out that the spring holding it in, needs to be removed first.

    Happy New Year to all !
    Paul S, Dec 31, 2005
  5. Paul S

    Chimp Guest

    How unusual that Haynes should omit any information ;-)
    Chimp, Jan 15, 2006
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